4 Company Team Building Activities for Executives

Blog4 Company Team Building Activities for Executives
4 Company Team Building Activities for Executives

4 Company Team Building Activities for Executives

You can help bring out the competencies of your senior executives by organizing a company team building for them. Senior leadership team building activities are designed to further refine and assess the skills and weaknesses of the people leading your team. 

Studies also show that team building can help clarify the overall aims, methods, and innovations a company practices. The right activities can improve and correct errors in your operations. By investing time and effort into team-building activities for executives, you can reap benefits, not only for your senior management but for your company as well.

Top 3 Benefits of Team Building Activities for Executives

1. Identifies Leadership Styles – Every company executive directs people and makes decisions in their own unique way. Different leadership styles can be effective when applied to the specific departmental responsibilities in an organization. Team building activities for executives can help identify the most suited leadership roles for your company’s top brass so that their talents and skills can better serve the company.

2. Develops Co-leadership Capabilities – Part of being a senior executive is learning to work with other department heads to improve the company, internally. Senior leadership team-building activities help expose them to internal group disagreements so that they can practice conflict resolution amongst each other.


    3. Enhance Strategy and Planning – Company projects with tight deadlines require careful preparation and resourceful thinking to execute their vision. These group activities for executives will teach them effective communication so their work can be completed on time without compromising on quality or company values. 

      Here are four of the best team building activities for executives that you may include in your next corporate event.

      4 Senior Leadership Team Building Activities

      1. Imaginary Managers

      This will be a game wherein you will create a profile for a handful of imaginary managers and your leaders must decide on their strengths, weaknesses, and whether they are suited for the company. This helps reveal the reasoning behind their decisions on what they deem best for the company. 

      Among the team building activities for executives, these will test their communication skills with each other to see if they can come to a reasonable consensus. It also helps executives to better define the type of person who should ideally work for the company. 

      2. Leadership Logo

      This is a team activity composed of two stages. First, each of your leaders must draw or design their own logo that represents what they consider to be the best values and skills needed by a leader. The second stage involves them each presenting their leadership logos and then working together to create a combined logo. 

      Part of these team-building activities for executives is to identify what each of their leadership styles are like. It also forces them to be creative and find common ground amongst one another to have a unified set of values and goals. 

      3. Island Survival

      This team-building activity creates a fun, imaginary situation where the group pretends to be stuck on a deserted island together. They must take stock of whatever items or materials they have nearby or have brought with them. After going over their supplies, they must decide on how to allocate their resources and the roles each member must play to survive from gathering food to human waste management. 

      These types of team-building activities for executives teach them to be more resourceful on whatever’s at hand. While also discovering their own personal preferences and unique responsibilities that suit them. 

      4. Nature Trails

      Nature helps people make thoughtful decisions. Studies have shown that being out in nature can help to improve people’s attention span and lower stress levels. Make nature a part of your team building activities for executives. Embark on a nature trail to impact health and strengthen interpersonal relationships among the key members of your company.

      Nurture Wellness Village offers an Eco-therapy Exercise Circuit as part of our corporate wellness program. This is inclusive of physical exercises amidst the fullness of nature. 

      Bring out the leaders in your team

      Team building activities for executives help in the individual growth of your management team, but also in the collective success of your organization. These activities create a strong foundation for better collaboration, innovation, and strategic thinking within your company.

      Through these senior leadership team building activities, your leaders grow more in tune with each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They’ll be better equipped to steer your company towards its goals with a unified vision. 

      ALSO READ: Types of Corporate Event Venues that Should Be On an Event Planner’s Radar

      Nurture Wellness Village prioritizes a holistic approach to wellness that helps individuals and companies reach their full potential. Our corporate wellness package provides companies with a range of healthy activities, relaxation treatments, and educational seminars that will elevate your team-building exercises. 

      Contact us to help you customize your corporate events and choose the right venue for your team building activities for executives.

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