Everything You Need to Know About Earthing and Grounding for Health

BlogEverything You Need to Know About Earthing and Grounding for Health
Everything You Need to Know About Earthing and Grounding for Health

Everything You Need to Know About Earthing and Grounding for Health

You can be stretching your body and lying in the grass while taking a break from work. Or you can be walking on the sand and then wade your feet on the beach shore. You have probably done these a couple of times without knowing that you are performing earthing techniques through these simple gestures.

This practice, however, is not similar to the techniques used in mental health treatment where people do mindfulness activities and breathing exercises to control and lessen their anxiety, among others. To learn more about earthing and the science behind it, learn  essential information such as its health benefits, techniques, and when and where to practice earthing.     

What is Grounding/Earthing?

Earthing, also known as grounding, refers to the therapeutic technique that directly connects your body to the natural electrical charges of the earth to achieve several health benefits. The earth has plenty of electrons (negatively charged particles). It is believed that when connected to the body, it can help neutralize free radicals and may provide immune defense properties and antioxidants. Research states that reconnecting the body to the earth’s surface electrons may be a simple yet effective strategy against health concerns.

You are earthing when your body is in direct contact with the earth. This practice includes lying on the beach and walking barefoot outdoors. It can also be done using indoor grounding systems that can be attached to the grounding socket of your home’s electrical circuit.

There are only a few scientific studies on the benefits of grounding. The scarcity of these studies requires further research on the topic. However, people who practice earthing for health and wellness have reported considerable developments in some medical conditions.

Grounding for Health: The Benefits You Need to Know

Existing research shows a favorable connection between earthing and improvements in health issues.

  • Cardiovascular Disease – One study showed that prolonged practice of grounding therapy minimized blood pressure levels in participants who have hypertension.
  • Anxiety and Depression – It was found in one small study that an hour of grounding can noticeably improve mood.
  • Chronic Fatigue – Participants in a study on massage therapists stated that their fatigue decreased after four weeks of using grounding mats.
  • Chronic Pain – The study on the effects of grounding patches for exercise recovery revealed that those who utilized the equipment reported lower pain levels.
  • Sleep Disorders – Participants in a study experienced an improvement in their sleep duration and had lessened sleep disturbances.
  • Increased Circulation – A review study cited that grounding increased blood flow to different parts of the body like the face.
  • Chronic Inflammation – A study found that grounding reduced the cardinal signs of inflammation after an injury like swelling, heat, redness, loss of function, and pain.

Earthing can be a fast method to create a positive effect on your well-being. There are many ways to  easily incorporate it into your regular wellness routine.

Grounding Techniques for Overall Wellness

Earthing techniques focus on reconnecting yourself to the earth either through direct or indirect contact. These methods can include:

  • Walking around barefoot in the grass, sand, or mud
  • Lying on the ground, on the sand at the beach, or the grass
  • Swimming, wading, or taking a bath in natural bodies of water
  • Gardening
  • Using grounding equipment like mats, sheets or blankets, socks, bands, and patches

You can practice grounding both outdoors and indoors, depending on the technique you have selected. You may also try earthing if you are dealing with health issues.

When and Where to Practice Grounding

An earthing practice can be helpful to a person who struggles with any of the following:

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Pain and inflammation
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Cardiovascular disease

You can practice grounding inside or outside your home whether you are awake or sleeping.

1. Earthing Outdoors

You can easily ground yourself when you are outside by allowing the palms of your hands, the bottom of your feet, or your whole body to feel and touch the earth. You can take off your socks and shoes and stand on the soil, rock, or grass or take a plunge into the beach.

2. Grounding Indoors

Grounding yourself needs specific equipment when you are inside. You can sleep using a grounding sheet or socks or have a grounding mat put in your chair. This equipment can plug into the grounding socket which is connected by wires to a rod placed into the earth. Utilize your earthing equipment safely to prevent risks.

Nurture Wellness Village is a wellness destination in Tagaytay where travelers, corporate groups, and health enthusiasts can connect with nature through a range of wellness activities that can boost your health and reconnect you with nature.

ALSO READ: 10 Benefits of Massage that Impact the Mind and Body

Earthing or grounding is a therapeutic technique that reconnects the body to the electrical properties of the earth. Only a little research has been conducted about the health benefits of grounding but studies have reported favorable improvements in cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, sleep disorders, and more. Earthing can be practiced indoors or outdoors, with or without grounding equipment. Whatever you choose, make sure to be mindful of your surroundings once outside and use your earthing equipment properly to reduce risks.

Reconnect with the earth through the lush greenery of Nurture Wellness Village which offers a distinctive brand of Ecotherapy or healing by and through nature. Relive the farm life at the Nurture’s Farm where you can experience a relaxing day doing farming activities away from the city life. 

Do you want to have a unique wellness experience to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit? Check out Nurture Wellness Village.


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